Reeves Young was selected as the General Contractor for this project which consisted of constructing a new concrete headworks structure, new concrete grit removal structure, concrete flow split structure, a non-concrete Lined 3.0MG EQ Basin with aeration equipment, modification and demolition of existing process equipment and electrical components, electrical process instrumentation, SCADA, generator, yard and storm piping, temporary bypass pumping, concrete and gravel paving, earthwork, NPDES monitoring, erosion control, valves, coatings, HVAC, mobilization, demobilization, and all other appurtenances necessary to place new treatment process equipment into operation.
Market: Wastewater/Water Reclamation
Tanners Bridge WRF
This progressive design-build project for Barrow County included providing design and construction services to expand the capacity of Tanner’s Bridge Wastewater Treatment Facility to 1.5 MGD. Design features included septage receiving, headworks, a splitter box, two sequencing batch reactors, an equalization basin, a dewatering building with belt press, a digester, a chlorine contact chamber, and a flow monitor effluent pump station, and aeration and discharged into the Apalachee River.
A. Scott Emmons Water Reclamation Facility
The scope for this project consisted of constructing a new 1.25 MGD wastewater treatment plant in the Little River watershed. Preconstruction services included design and constructability reviews, cost estimating, value-engineering recommendations, and preparation of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) proposal package. Construction services included CMAR procurement, construction and construction management, start-up, performance testing, commissioning, and operator training.
Camp Creek WRF Improvements
Reeves Young was selected as the builder for this project, consisting of furnishing and installing clarifier equipment and making concrete repairs to eight existing clarifiers; renovating the primary sludge pump station; replacing flow control gates; consolidating power feed, remote and local controls to four secondary clarifiers.
Riverbend Environmental Complex
This new, 0.5 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant on a 20.2 acre property consisted of screening, sequencing batch reactors, clarification, filtration, UV disinfection, post aeration, sludge holding, thickening and dewatering, plant drain pump station, chemical feed systems, a building rehabilitation, and electrical power distribution including standby generator, new SCADA system and two new lift stations. The Airport No. 1 Lift Station and Force Main consisted of replacement of pumps, starters and other equipment at the existing pump station and installation of 17,000 LF of a 12″ high density polyethylene pipe. Smithwick Creek Lift Station and Force Main consists of new submersible wastewater pump station and installation of approximately 15,000 LF of a 10″ high density polyethylene pipe, 2,300 LF of 24″ ductile iron pipe sanitary sewer and 1,300 LF of 8″ PVC sanitary sewer.
White Water Creek WPCP
Reeves Young was chosen to upgrade an existing 5.0 MGD wastewater facility, which included multiple project components like constructing new splitter boxes, clarifiers, RAW/WAS pump station, and converting existing sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to an A2O sewage treatment process. The project also required retrofitting existing tertiary filters, replacing digester process equipment, an existing belt press, and chemical feed equipment, as well as removing the conventional activated sludge (CAS) process from service.